Quick Ceph Studio provides you with many tools to access and manipulate your patient images and movies. In developing Quick Ceph Studio, our design criteria was to provide our users with easy access to an unlimited number of unaltered original patient images and movies. 1. Included Analyses Once an x-ray is digitized, Quick Ceph Studio allows you to evaluate the tracing using a large assortment of built-in Lateral, Frontal, and Submentovertex cephalometric analyses. Quick Ceph also allows you to perform a Space Analysis on models. The Lateral Analysis includes 10 standard analyses: Ricketts, Steiner, McNamara, Downs, Jarabak, Surgical, Iowa, Roth, and Burstone. Switching between these analyses is easy, and the tracings and measurements change to the newly selected analysis instantly.
2. Intuitive Customization Quick Ceph Studio not only allows users to create their own custom analysis, but it makes the process very easy. You can simply copy and paste your favorite measurements from our extensive list of standard analyses to make your own custom analysis.